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deep technology
Afgekort: deep tech. Ook: hard technology (hard tech). ... >>
 Vandaag 24-05-2024
21853 begrippen & definities
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1 middeninkomen
2 excasso
3 gebakken lucht
4 Conjunctuurenquête Neder...
5 reconciliatie
 Recent verbeterd
22-05deep technology
22-05beneficiair aanvaarden
22-05peer-to-peer markt
22-05greed is good
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1Dogs of the Dow
2ouwe jongens krentenbroo...
3onder embargo
4debt service coverage ra...
5out-of-pocket kosten
8arm's length-beginsel
9negatief eigen vermogen
Uw steun is hard nodig... Doneer nu

cash holdings

De liquide middelen (cash) die een onderneming beschikbaar heeft. Dit geld is onmiddellijk beschikbaar, als financiële buffer, voor overnames, enzovoorts.

'Business Cash Holdings: Too Much? - Are businesses holding too much cash? ...There are a number of good reasons to hold cash, beginning with protection from a downturn. A company with fat balances in the bank can weather storms. Cash also provides flexibility to seize opportunities that come along, such as a good acquisition. There are some disappointing reasons to hold cash, including a lack of good investment opportunities. Many companies seem to be in this position now.'
Bron: Forbes.com - 25-03-2015.

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